Head Chain
This 7 foot piece of chain can be used on any of the Priefert headgates as a head restraint when working cattle. It can also be used as a head restraint on the calf table. *Designed to work with Priefert Squeeze Chutes,
Headgates, and the Priefert Calf Table, this Head Chain can be used to
securely restrain an animal’s head. With the chain threaded through the
chain loop, pull one end of the chain across the front of the animal’s
head and secure the end of the chain in the chain lock. Simply pull on
the other end of the chain to tighten it over the bridge of the animal’s
nose, and then pull upward until chain catches in the V at the top of
the chain loop. Bring the remainder of the chain across animal’s neck,
behind the ears, and secure the appropriate link into the chain lock.
This creates a “halter like” restraint, allowing safe and easy access to
the animal’s head, perfect for when you need to doctor an animal’s eyes
or read tattoos.
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