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    SKU: 505PD55
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    Georgetown Location: 8 in Stock
    League City Location: 0 in Stock
    If you are picking up your order, please verify the quantity needed is available at the pick up location by checking online or calling us at PH#512-930-4000

--Easily operated by one man

--Ideal for driving various types of medium diameter posts (up to 2 3/8" diameter)

--For Driving T-posts and posts considerably smaller than the size of the master chuck, an additional chuck will be needed. Please see "Chucks" in this section for ordering and pricing.

--Requires "Throttle Kit", "Oil/Regulator/Lubricator" and Air Compressor to operate. THESE ITEMS ARE SOLD SEPARATELY. If you already have these items, no additional equipment will be needed.

--Air Compressor Requirements: The Rhino post driver air consumption uses 42cfm @ 90psi

--Specifications, Details and Video

--Choosing The Correct Rhino Post Driver

--Operation Manual

--Parts List

--Accessories List

Note: If the post you intend to drive is tubular in construction and the inside dimension is larger than 2.5", you will need to use a drive cap. Please call us for assistance in determining your needs..

Important!!! For Rhino's warranty to be valid and for safety purposes, each driver must be equipped with a throttle valve kit, a properly set filter-regulator-lubricator and correctly sized chuck adapters.

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